Global Data Manager

  • Branding

Project Details

The task was to develop an identity and a small campaign, to launch an internal services BP portal.

The briefing initially provided was very sparse in specific details regarding the portal services and its benefits, so there was a client workshop to flesh these out.

The primary user groups and their main needs were identified and then grouped into themes. This allowed for the emergence of 4 major overarching themes, which would provide the backbone of the campaign.


Given BP’s strict branding guidelines some of the characteristics were already defined (i.e. typography and colors) so the challenge was how to reflect the identified themes.

Top: chosen logo; Bottom: logo proposals


The manifesto booklet (to be handed in educational sessions) and the poster (to be displayed in strategic locations) were the most direct representation of the aforementioned themes.

Several other collateral pieces were developed as part of a plan intended to announce the launch of the portal and raise awareness of its benefits.